Water Womyn Retreat

Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort

Nosara, Costa Rica

December 11th–18th 2021

Are you a highly accomplished woman looking to step into the next chapter of your life from a deeply integrated place? One that truly reflects your authentic code and centers YOU—rather than others—in the narrative of your life?

This Water Womyn Retreat is for you!

Join a small, highly-curated, community of likeminded women in a beautiful, nourishing setting, tap into the wisdom and healing powers of water, and rediscover YOU.

During this transformative retreat, I’ll be sharing tools, metaphors, and lessons gained though 30 years of deep relationship with water to help you awaken to your deeper callings—the things that matter most to you. Watery immersion and rejuvenation, meditation, yoga, journaling, ritual, and discussion topics will invite you to explore your innate longings and inherent dualities, call in balance and power, and show up in full integrity in your relationships, work, and home life.

We’ll retreat to the gorgeous setting of Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort in Nosara, Costa Rica, one of five original Blue Zones in the world. Your package will include luxurious lodging, nourishing, fresh meals, daily yoga and meditation, my tested Water Wisdom: Awakening curriculum, special Water Healing activities, beach and soak time, and opportunities for surfing, massage and other spa offerings, and exploration.

Never give from the depths of your well, but from your overflow.
— Rumi

Water is the mirror of our individual and collective souls.

This retreat is designed to optimize your opportunity for deep reflection and expansion though a triad of Solo, Satsang, and Collective time and activities.


Solo time is critical to our wellness, and as women, many of us don’t get enough of it. You will be gifted the space for solitary reflection and processing. Your story is important.

[Alone Together]

The Sanskrit word, Satsang, has been translated as “Finding the truth together.” Quiet communal time in yoga, meditation, and other activities will allow us to raise our individual and collective vibrations and harness this energy to heal and grow.


Women in community are powerful beyond measure. In a safe Collective, you will be invited to share your story and connect with the stories of others. Community offers opportunity for deeper clarity—both through translating your thoughts, emotions, and experiences into spoken words, and in the feedback, mirroring, and resonance made possible through sharing.


Your Retreat Includes:

Water meditation daily

Yoga once daily

Three delicious and nourishing meals daily

Seven nights accommodations at Bodhi Tree Resort

Saltwater pool

·      Water Wisdom: Awakening curriculum with Dr. Wendy Pabich

Water Healing activities

 Optional surf lessons on World Class waves ($)

Optional massage and other spa offerings ($)

Room Options:

All pricing includes room plus full retreat package. Early Bird pricing requires full commitment by July 31, 2021, either by paying in full or emailing me to arrange a two-payment plan. See detailed Payment Terms and Conditions below.

For shared accommodations with a friend, please contact me to coordinate.


Our Schedule:

Our days will generally begin at 7:30 am and end at 7:30 pm. Each day you’ll have a mix of time Alone, Alone Together, and Together. Included will be a combination of Water Meditation, yoga, Water Wisdom and Healing activities and rituals, evening beach Water Circles, meals, and opportunities to surf, swim and hike. You will have space to learn, self-reflect, integrate, relax and connect.

Your Guide:

Dr. Wendy Pabich is on a lifelong journey to absorb and share the lessons on offer by Water herself. She’s studied, analyzed, trekked, traveled, boated to the most distant reaches of the planet, academia, and mind•body•spirit in search of know-how and answers. Along the way, she earned a Ph.D. in water resources from MIT, wrote a book about her personal journey to reduce her water footprint, has spoken to diverse audiences about all things water, painted up a storm, and earned a yoga teacher's credential. Her work focuses on bringing wellness to people through water. 

A Tribute to Water
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My life’s work has focused on learning the language of Water: Her rivulets gathering together to form streams, weaving into rivers and running to the sea teach us the power of communal intention and movement. Her soft fluid motions around immutable objects show us the beauty in flexibility. Powerful crashing waves speak to the intermittent need for a fierce stance, one capable of reshaping landscapes.
— Dr. Wendy Pabich

More Details:

The retreat runs Saturday, December 11th, 2021 through Saturday, December 18th, 2021. Formal programming will end on Friday morning, December 17th, 2021 so those who’d like to return home for holiday festivities on Friday may do so. Otherwise, you’ll be free to spend Saturday, December 18th, 2021, rejuvenating as you choose.

Cell Phone/Computer Use:
You are strongly encouraged to take this time as a digital detox to the extent possible. Detaching from electronics will allow you to drop in more deeply with yourself and others and enhance your opportunities for growth and healing.

Bodhi Tree offers a buffet of nourishing hot and cold soups; veggies and salads; and organic chicken, fish and vegan options. They also provide personalized service to suit all your special dietary needs. Organic wine and artisanal beer are available for purchase with your dinner.

Breakfast: 7:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Lunch: 12:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Dinner: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM

Bodhi Bar:
The Bodhi Bar is a great place to mingle with new friends after a full day of amazingness.

Bodhi Tree is nestled in Nicoya, one of five original Blue Zones in the world, making it an ideal spot to find peace, relaxation and rejuvenation. Located in the foothills of Nosara, the Resort is a short walk from the world-class surfing beaches of Guiones.

Flights: When booking flights, you’ll want to fly into Liberia International Airport (LIR). From Liberia, we have two options for transport to the resort: booking a puddle jumper flight or a shuttle. We highly recommend you plan to land in Liberia prior to 2:30 PM on the first day of retreat and depart after 2:30 PM on the last day of retreat.

Shuttle: Once we receive your flight information, we’ll help coordinate transportation from the airport to the resort. When possible, we’ll pair you with other guests arriving/departing at similar times to keep your cost down and make the 2 ½ hour trip more fun. Anticipated cost is $150 for one to four people, and $40 for each additional person, plus tax.

What’s Not Included: 

  • Airfare

  • Shuttle transfer to/from Liberia (LIR) airport

  • Gratuities

  • Libations

  • Travel insurance

Covid-19 Requirements:
All retreat participants will be required to provide proof of full Covid-19 vaccination. The resort will provide PCR testing near the end of the retreat to comply with U.S. re-entry requirements. Participants will be required to sign a Covid-19 liability waiver.

Payment Terms and Cancellations:
Early Bird pricing requires full commitment by July 31, 2021, either by paying in full or emailing me to arrange a two-payment plan. Fifty percent (50%) of full payment will constitute a non-refundable deposit due at registration. Balance is due by October 1, 2021. Regular Registration after October 1, 2021, requires non-refundable payment-in-full at the time of booking.

We strongly recommend you purchase travel insurance to cover trip cancellation and any medical, travel, health, liability, pandemic or other issues that may arise during travel or on the retreat. (Please be aware that many travel insurance policies require purchase within 24 hours of any expenditure towards your trip (retreat deposit or payment, airfare, etc.))

The retreat is limited to a small number of attendees to allow for a more intimate experience. Our cancellation policy is in place to help us all work together to share expenses arising from unexpected cancellation.

All participants will be required to sign a general liability waiver.

How wonderful that we had the wise and lovely Wendy as our muse and guide. Of course, water was the subject and the vehicle for the “free flow” of thought—and how delicious to think intentionally about a resource that yes, frankly, on most days I have taken for granted. So all around, like droplets in a desert nourishing a thirsty traveler, so do I feel the quenching power of Water Love giving me inspiration and strength to navigate a world that continues to challenge and bewilder.
— Euna K.

If you’d like to learn more, please schedule a time on my calendar to chat or send me an email below.